Some of them hath he sanctified and sat near himself - Sirach 33: 12
Desert versus Dessert
Given above are two different words with different meanings... But the words sound almost same.
What is a Desert?
An area or a landscape where the presence of people, plants and animals are less due to scarcity of resources and terrible weather.
So, what is a Dessert?
A sweet, delicious dish served that completes and give perfection to the meal.
Most of us are in the deserts of our life. And, we find different ways to make it a dessert, to give it perfection. The steps towards completion turn and end in wrong places.
Mark 8: 36 say, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.”
There are different ways by which a man loses his soul...
Desire towards money, desire towards love, desire towards belongings, house, property, desire to become famous, desire to please people and desires about your future, children and many more!
"What is wrong with desires? I am a human being... Come on, I am not born to be a fool and live in this world, with no targets and ambitions..."
The Word of GOD ne'er says you to be unambitious or make a fool of yourself. The way you achieve goals and fulfill your desires matter! The attitude you have towards your possessions matter too!
"Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!"... Mark 10: 23.
And Christ says this in continuation of answering the questions of a rich man. And this rich man obeyed all Ten Commandments, but was unwilling to share his possessions to the poor and needy.
So, where are we lacking?
What makes our life a Desert?
Man's life turns into a desert, when he loses his soul... Yep, the 'S' factor is The 'Soul' of mine that is far away from GOD! And we are in the desert...Our ‘Souls' are far from God due to our sins...
Sins that are against the Ten Commandments!
Sins that are done to satisfy over desires!
Sins that are done due to unwillingness to share his share of GOD's prosperity in the form of money, time and other possessions!
Moreover, Sins in the form of selfishness and pride!
Did you know this?
God is possessive about all of us. And, when he finds that your materialistic attitude leads your soul away from the valley of his abundant love, he ne'er sits idle.
He finds different ways to make you remember him... And these can be a financial crunch, failure in relationship, lose of beloved, problems at work, unexpected health issues... So, why are these for?
These are never punishments, but His ways of sanctification! Sanctifying you, as He is the Saviour who came to regain the lost souls!!
These are His ways of gaining you, when you forget him and goes for the materialistic, not so lasting gains!
He wants you and he makes your life a ‘Dessert’ - out of the desert!
And He attracts you towards the Valley, the Valley of Love, Valley of kindness, Valley of endless grace! The Valley where your soul unites with His, and leads by His spirit, the HOLY SPIRIT!
In this month of May, let us pray to Virgin Mary to sanctify us and save our souls from the fear of hell.
“Hail Mary, full of grace Lord is with you blessed are you among woman and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us, sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen.”
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